Monday, November 23, 2009
More on Isaac
Isaac had a fever over the weekend...turns out he's got another tooth coming in! Also, we've (okay, more me than anyone else) really been working on him saying "mommy" lately. Since he likes to watch Wheel of Fortune and call out the letter "D"...I decided to help him learn other letters. When I said "M" it sounded so close to "momma" so we've been practicing that for about a week now. Finally tonight when I said say "mommy" he did it...over & over & over again! Thanks made my day!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Trip to Branson's a busy life (I am sure everyone can appreciate that). Finally, I have a chance to get on here and tell about our trip to Branson. We...Chad, Isaac, Karin (Grandma Newton) and myself took a trip up to Branson. Karin had to go for business so we just went along for the ride. I cannot believe that Chad actually took two days off of was a miracle! During our time there he kept saying "Man, I need to do this more often"...I totally agree! We left on Sunday afternoon, checked into our hotel then went to eat at Bob Evans Restaurant. We slept in on Monday, took our time getting ready then we took a walk to a store close by our hotel. When Karin was done working, we went to Branson Landing and walked around, got some coffee and did a little shopping. Later that evening we had dinner and afterwards went to the Presleys' Country Jubilee show, compliments of Grandma Newton! It was awesome. Isaac didn't get a nap in during the day so he fell asleep right before the show but woke up about 30 minutes into it and really enjoyed the rest of it! It was awesome. On Tuesday we got up and started to head home, however, since Karin was working...we drove all over the place so she could get her stores done. The best part of the drive home was that she had a few stores in Eureka Springs, AR so we got to get out and do a little walking and shopping there as well. It was such an awesome trip...
My boys...I love them so much!
Daddy, Isaac & Mommy
Please ignore the pink stroller. We borrowed this umbrella stroller from my sister in law...Chad really had to dig deep to allow Isaac to sit in it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Chair Hopping
In the past couple of days, Isaac has started getting on the chairs around the house. Well, he's been doing that for quite a while now but what I thought was cute was that he actually sits or lays down and hangs out for awhile. I guess to see him sit or lay and do nothing while he's awake is abnormal since he's usually all over the place, all of the time! What was really cute was when I got my camera out, he'd change positions over and over again all while laughing hysterically...he thought it was great...and I enjoyed every minute of it!
Isaac is living up to his name, which in Hebrew means "he laughs"...he laughs all the time (okay, with the exception of when he's crying because he doesn't get his way, which is often too...) but we are so thankful to have such a happy boy!

Isaac is living up to his name, which in Hebrew means "he laughs"...he laughs all the time (okay, with the exception of when he's crying because he doesn't get his way, which is often too...) but we are so thankful to have such a happy boy!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Some Things
Well, I haven't been feeling real well for the past week or so, so it's been hard to even think about what to write on here...but here are a few random things that happened.
Since Isaac & I haven't been feeling real well, I decided to stay home from church with him while Chad took Tyler & Chloe. However, Isaac woke up pretty early so Chad took him downstairs and took care of him for most of the morning. At some point Chad came to our room to tell me that he made Isaac some ramen noodles for breakfast. My reaction wasn't very kind...(sorry Chad) offense to ramen noodles, I have it in my pantry for crying out loud! But the only reason I have it is for Chad to take to work and eat for "back-up" if there is nothing else for lunch that day, plus I was going to make my friends cole-slaw that calls for the noodles. The reason I was so upset was because it has no nutritional value and especially while he's not feeling well, he needs all the help he can get and ramen noodles isn't going to do it! Chad quickly went back downstairs and made some oatmeal for Isaac...(thank you honey)!
Shortly after, I got up and went downstairs. While all the kids were eating I asked Chad if we could talk in the other room for a second (to apologize for my reaction for feeding Isaac ramen noodles). Well, when we returned...Isaac spilled the remaining oatmeal out all over the place and of course, with Tyler & Chloe there laughing...he thought it was okay. He made a huge mess and daddy thought it was funny too so he took pictures.

I guess it wasn't too bad of a mess, but when you are not feeling well...everything seems like a bigger deal than it really is (at least for me)!
Since Isaac & I haven't been feeling real well, I decided to stay home from church with him while Chad took Tyler & Chloe. However, Isaac woke up pretty early so Chad took him downstairs and took care of him for most of the morning. At some point Chad came to our room to tell me that he made Isaac some ramen noodles for breakfast. My reaction wasn't very kind...(sorry Chad) offense to ramen noodles, I have it in my pantry for crying out loud! But the only reason I have it is for Chad to take to work and eat for "back-up" if there is nothing else for lunch that day, plus I was going to make my friends cole-slaw that calls for the noodles. The reason I was so upset was because it has no nutritional value and especially while he's not feeling well, he needs all the help he can get and ramen noodles isn't going to do it! Chad quickly went back downstairs and made some oatmeal for Isaac...(thank you honey)!
Shortly after, I got up and went downstairs. While all the kids were eating I asked Chad if we could talk in the other room for a second (to apologize for my reaction for feeding Isaac ramen noodles). Well, when we returned...Isaac spilled the remaining oatmeal out all over the place and of course, with Tyler & Chloe there laughing...he thought it was okay. He made a huge mess and daddy thought it was funny too so he took pictures.

One more thing...
For many, many months now we've been trying to get Isaac to call me mommy and it just hasn't happen. Now he's said it many times but I don't think he's actually calling me mommy (I guess I could be wrong). Anyhow, a while back when we said "mommy", he said "daddy" and we laughed so EVERYTIME we say "say mommy" he says "daddy". Well, this morning he finally said mommy when I said "say mommy"! That made me feel so good...I made a huge deal out of it gave him a big hug and told him what a good boy he was. Then I tried it again and guess what he said...
Oops, I almost forgot...Isaac has another tooth coming in this morning. That makes 14 teeth at 18 months!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
My Mommy's Birthday...
Today is my mom's birthday. She turned me, she won't mind that I put that on here. She actually thought she was turning 55 and was a little dissappointed when she found out she couldn't get the "senior discount" at IHOP until next year! That's just the way my mommy is! My mom is the best mom to her 3 daughters. She became a Christian shortly after she had me and has been loving and serving our Lord since then. There is so much I could say about my mom. She has given up her life to take care of her mom, who has alzheimers which is a full-time job in itself but she still finds time to run her little farm. Taking care of the horses, goats, chickens, dogs, a part-time job at home and still prepares the best meals I have ever eaten! I could go on and on...she is truly an amazing woman. It's so nice to be able to spend time with her. I love you Mommy and thank you for all that you do for me and your family!
For her birthday, we all went to my parents house to celebrate it. Danielle brought Rib Crib, I made the cake (it's becoming a tradition...I've been making a Tres Leches cake for the past 3 years), and Jill made her famous Iced Tea. I wish everyone could have a taste of her tea, it's the best!
This is my mom a little over 30 years ago.
My mom on her 54th birthday!
My mom with her 3 daughters.
This is us now.
This is us then!
Mommy blowing her "54" candles out!
The best parents in the world - Mommy & Daddy!
The next best parents in the world - ha! I guess that would need to come from Isaac!
Isaac (not wanting to hold his hand), Tyler and Chad
Danielle & Chloe
Noah & Jill
Tyler, Chad & Me
Jill & Danielle showing us how to whistle
Chad wouldn't be serious with me in a picture, so I posted it anyway!
For her birthday, we all went to my parents house to celebrate it. Danielle brought Rib Crib, I made the cake (it's becoming a tradition...I've been making a Tres Leches cake for the past 3 years), and Jill made her famous Iced Tea. I wish everyone could have a taste of her tea, it's the best!
Happy Birthday Mommy!

It was a great evening. We even played a game of Scattergories afterwards and laughed a lot! We actually got home and bathed Tyler & Chloe since they had school in the morning and all got to bed before midnight. I know that's late but my parents live almost 45 minutes from us so I thought we did pretty good!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
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