Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Isaac's Birthday Party (a little late)

I know Isaac's birthday was in April and I never wrote anything about his party we had for him with friends and family. I especially wanted to brag on my mom for the cake she made for him. She always does an amazing job on everything she puts her hands to but I just loved the cake she made! We had a Noah's Ark party. We had lots of fun and are so thankful to all of our friends and family for coming to help celebrate!

The dove that is on the top of the cake actually came from my parents wedding cake 36 years ago! The kids all took 2 animals each, but the dove was off limits!
Isaac & Daddy!

He's actually blowing out 2 candles, not 1.

Aunt Danielle & Isaac. I was so grateful for her and my other sister Jill, they helped out so much, mainly since I wasn't in the "mood" (still wasn't feeling all that great from my pregnancy) to have a big celebration and a bunch of people over...but because of them it worked out much better!
Happy Birthday Isaac!

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