Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Isaac and Daddy

I asked Chad if he would put Isaac to sleep tonight so that I can clean the kitchen and catch up on some things (including my blog). It's never a quick process to put Isaac to sleep, usually Chad reads 7 to 10 books then I come in and rock him and sing him to sleep. Last night I went in there and woke Isaac up right as he was falling asleep so tonight I thought I'd stay out of the room. Well, Chad was in there for well over an hour so I thought I'd quietly check on them and this is how I found them. Sound asleep on the floor listening to his cd...how precious!

I thank God for my husband and my Isaac!


Dana said...

Moments like that are just too precious!

Kelly said...

I spy a few Sandra Boynton Books on the floor there. Those are my favorites!

Kimber Newton said...

Thanks to you Kelly, we are big fans. I actually just bought another one today!