Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Bubbles for Isaac

Isaac is 21 months old and afraid of bubbles. I guess I had never given him a bubble bath. Not that I am against giving bubble baths but I have always used organic soaps for him and since it's more expensive, I couldn't see throwing money down the drain (ha!) using it for a bubble bath since it takes so much to make bubbles. Yes, I am extremely conservative. I have had these soaps since he was born since I use it so sparingly! Anyhow, last night I decided that using the other bubble bath stuff in the bathroom wouldn't hurt (just once) so I made a nice warm bubble bath for him. At first he seemed very interested in them and he was playing with them. Next I put some bubbles in my hand and blew them...he did NOT like that...he was so scared, he screamed and cried. I took him out, calmed him down, drained the tub and started all over again...this time no bubbles. He was happy. He actually learned the word "bubble" in the process, so that was good! We'll try the bubble bath again some other time!

Today I went to our Mommy Bible Study. When I picked Isaac up, the ladies that were working in the nursery said that they think it's time for Isaac to have a sibling (I totally agree)...they said he was going around to all the other children and giving them hugs and kisses...What a sweet boy!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hi, Kimber! Thank you so much for thinking of us and calling. It has meant so much to us to have friends showing care at this time.