Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Birthday #1

Well, I thought since Isaac will be 18 months in a couple days I had better get something down for his 1st birthday...then we can move on!

We had two celebrations for Isaac's first birthday. The first was at my parents house. It was very nice, besides his Mommy & Daddy...Grandma & Grandpa Dany and Grandma & Grandpa Newton were there. Isaac's Aunt Jill & Aunt Danielle were there and of course, his Great Grandma (Huff) and Great Uncle Lenny were all there to celebrate his first year of life. We are so blessed to have this child in our lives. He's so special to us and we pray that he will follow God all of his days!

Angel Food Cake - Yummy...Mommy's Favorite! (Isaac's first introduction to real sugar, at least that I am aware of)!

Grandma & Grandpa Dany - Isaac - Grandma & Grandpa Newton. It is so awesome to have both our families here!
Mommy, Daddy & Isaac...so proud to be able to celebrate this special day with our little boy! We love him so very much.

The second party was at our house. We had quite a few friends there...The Parks, Hildebrant's, Smoliak's, Powell's, Moffatt's, Flores, Fuller's, Neales, (I hope I am not forgetting anyone)...the Newton's & the Dany's. It was a nice celebration!

Isn't this the coolest cake? My mom made it...thank you mommy! It was not only beautiful, but delicious too! Rib Crib catered the party. It went well with the "Western Theme".
I just loved that cake...it took everything out of me to cut it (literally - the fondant was thick!)

Okay Isaac...that's enough cake for you for a while! Isaac has been to his share of birthday parties that now all he wants to do if he sees a candle lit...is blow it out (very cute)!

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