Thursday, October 22, 2009

Growing up...too quick!

Isaac is 18 months old today...October 22, 2009

We went to the doctor a week early for a check up to see if his ear infection was gone, and it was...Praise God! I asked the doctor if we could go ahead and do his 18 month check up then so we wouldn't have to make another trip to the doctor. He said no problem.

Weight: 24.2 (25%)
Height: 32 3/4" (50%-75%)
Head: 19" (50%)

What is Isaac up to at 18 months, let's see...

This is his "Surprised Look". He usually makes this face when he says "uh-oh" or hears something like the door bell ring or the ice maker making ice (it's kind of loud and scary)...

He loves to run and play tag. He started to head-butt his daddy when he'd ask for kisses. At first we thought it was cute but then he started to head-butt the wall, the floor and anything else he could, and we had to put an end to it (still working on it). He helps me take the trash out to the garage and also likes to throw away his dirty diapers. He is such a good little helper! He will not let me clip his toe nails, they look awful!
He is a constant mover. He loves his mommy & daddy! He misses his daddy since he works so much, but he gives him hugs and kisses on the phone during the day.

He likes to watch Wheel of Fortune. He calls out the letter "D" over and over again and claps when the contestants clap! It's adorable!
He's starting to say more words (that we understand) like "dadda" - "momma, momma, momma" - "uh, oh" - "juice please" - but he's still at the pointing and "ah" stage. He definetly understands what we are saying. When we ask him if he wants to swing, he runs for the back door. He goes to the bottom of the stairway when we ask him if he wants to take a bath and once he's upstairs he goes directly to his bathroom.

He loves to go up and down...and up and down...and up and down...the stairs (when we let him). He's lost his balance twice now but thankfully I've been able to stop him before getting to the bottom...ceramic tile. That would hurt!
There's so much more that our little 18 month old does but I just can't list them all. And I noticed that I didn't write down and of the disobedient things he does...well, that might be another post. We'll just focus on the cute and fun things for now!


Amber said...

Ha! Ha! By the time we had our third one we realized that when it comes to disobedience they know a lot more than we think they do! I told Derrick when I was still pregnant with Isabella, "I'm going to get her!" We let the others slide for longer thinking they didn't "get it". ;) I answered your question on my blog if you want to check it out.

Amber said...

Thank you! I'm totally going to make that potato soup!